Saturday, January 03, 2009

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime® Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.


Tressa bailey said...

Well just another reason I should switch providers....Centennial is looking worse everyday.

Gigi said...

So that's how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone!

Best. Post. Ever! ;D

Gigi said...

I have duly memorized the entire picture and video messaging process, which is impressive since I do not even own this 'wireless phone' you speak of. I assume it is from the future. I have even noted that I must select 'Minimum' for faster download, which I am sure will come in handy someday.

Now, will you write something already? :)

Anonymous said...

Good work, Robbie!

Anonymous said...

Lookin` for writing too!
All OK?

Gigi said...

I have come to apply for the job of head ghostwriter. Mary is writing my resume.