Sunday, October 30, 2005

Citizen Journalism At Its Finest

I, amongst many I'm sure, nominated Mary of Alphawoman's Blog fame for the Best Travel Journal for the AOL Vivi Awards that are currently wrapping up the voting stage today. I felt a little odd, or maybe the term should be "rebellious" in doing so, because Mary's journal really isn't strictly a travel-themed journal. But, Mary tells such wonderfully vivid accounts of her escapades (Ireland instantly comes to mind) that I couldn't help but to nominate her for the award.

The announcements of the nominations came and went. Mary's journal entries were non-existent and there were no peeps of her leaving comments anywhere. I was beginning to worry. I feared something was wrong, perhaps a sick family member. I decided to go by her journal one last time before shooting an email to her begging for a reply. That's when I hit upon her first two entries about her recent trip to Cancun.

Unfortunately, Mary was stuck in Cancun throughout Wilma's wrath on the Mexican resort. She's writing and sharing pictures as quickly as she can. The story is fascinating and the pictures are compelling. If you want a first person account better than any news source could provide, go to her first entry of "Six Days in Cancun" and read her accounts. They aren't complete - yet. So bookmark it and return for the rest of the story.


Morris said...

Thats too bad. I was really looking forward to you getting that big screen tv. Oh well, maybe your guy will buy you one instead.

Mr. Morris
Ask Morris

jennifer said...

Mary has me on the edge of my seat, doing shots of tequila right along with her. Hell, I'm starting to stink too!

freeepeace said...

Headed there right now. I voted for her too.

Anonymous said...

So glad you posted this link in your AOL journal as I didn't know you had this one.

Unhinged said...

Yep. I went and read and gasped all over the place. Wow and yowza.

Man. I wanna picture, too! I see Jennifer and Trish over there, those showoffs.

Gordy said...


Now I know why you haven't been writing so much in AOhelL.

Best wishes.

the cycling curmudgeon

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Robbie!


Judith HeartSong said...

Mary writes beautifully!!!!!

Unhinged said...


Where's the post about you-know-who?

Get crackin.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robbie!!
it's nice to catch you here...finally. I am a little slow sorry. but, hey...I left a riveting message on your answering machine! LOL.

anyway..headed to marys...

Anonymous said...

I think it was the perfect category for Mary ~ I voted for her too! I read the first installments of her riveting story ~ I'll have to go back for the rest when I have more time to savor it. (And back here, too.) In a beastly hurry right now...gotta meet peeps for Happy Hour... ;)