Photo Credit: AOL Moviefone Video
Background & Layout: krobbie67
Ever since the mudslides back in January, I have taken an alternate route to work because a portion of my old route has still not been opened up completely. At first I hated it, but I've become used to it. What I've learned is that the daily time it takes is longer but on average it is better because it is more predictable. However, sometimes going home can be pretty tough because my route takes me through Hollywood and if they have a premier, or something else going on, traffic in that area becomes intense. Typically, in the mornings I cut down Hollywood Blvd. in order to avoid the traffic back up a couple of blocks down at the high school.
One morning about a month or so ago, I noticed as I waited at the intersection in the picture above that there was a lean-to set up. The next morning tents appeared. I thought bums had camped out there and was wondering how they managed to do it without getting run off by the police. I figured maybe they allowed them to stay there over night so long as they packed up in the morning. However, I was wrong. Not long after, the news of who was camping out on Hollywood Blvd. hit the airwaves.
They were die-hard Star Wars fans camping out so they could be first in line for the movie. The story broke early locally because they were camping out in front of the wrong theater. In various interviews they were questioned why and the reason provided was because it was the original theater that the first Star Wars opened in and they believed that it should be the theater that the last of the series opened in. They held out hope that the publicity gods would smile down upon them and the venue would be changed. They were wrong but they waited nonetheless, some as many as 700+ hours.
How long would you wait in line? Me? Ten minutes, if that! For the full story on AOL's Moviefone, click here.
May the force be with you! Clearly it wasn't for them.
I've co-workers over the years that made sure they went to first showing of the two prequels-the midnight showing and took the next morning off. Yeah I think I might wait in line for ten minutes-next month. :-)
hmmmmm i would wait 59 seconds in line at Walmart express lane to buy the DVD when it came out. no hurry here!
Wow...hard to believe that I used to be this crazy. For me, it was camping out for concert tickets. LMAO!
I agree with Phinney! LOL
I just heard this on the news. :)
that's crazy.
I HATE waiting in lines.
so, it's like 5 min unless I am at disney land.
I think the record was like 2 hours or something. it
was CRAZY. and I still hated it.
but, hey the ride was cool. :)
great layout!!
Hi Robbie
Jeepers I remember when I went to see the first Star Wars. It was in the summer, and we were in Modesto visiting friends. I thought I would pass out from the heat. LOL. Then when I saw the movie, I thought, "what? A space-western?" LOL. I learned to like the films much later. It's an aquired taste I guess. One day, I discovered Harrison Ford and...whoosh...instant appreciation! LOL. but 700 hours? No way.
Always, Carly :)
Hi Robbie
Jeepers I remember when I went to see the first Star Wars. It was in the summer, and we were in Modesto visiting friends. I thought I would pass out from the heat. LOL. Then when I saw the movie, I thought, "what? A space-western?" LOL. I learned to like the films much later. It's an aquired taste I guess. One day, I discovered Harrison Ford and...whoosh...instant appreciation! LOL. but 700 hours? No way.
Always, Carly :)
Saw the very first Star Wars back in ....heck, '77? My then boyfriend was a SF fan. I am not. They should live around here. The line started at 8am yesterday morning! HA!
Yikes is all I can say! I know the theatres will be packed starting today....I want to see it but I think I can wait alittle bit. I'm not all that patient waiting in lines,lol
You have to wonder what these people do for a living that they can afford to take the time to live in a shack in Hollywood for more than a month. NOT my idea of the ideal vacation... Lisa :-]
My husband and daughters were in line about an hour last night...but had their tickets over a week ago. Apparently, they felt it was worth it.
I might see it when the excitement dies down....or when we get it on video.
Well, now. Waiting in line over 700 minutes at a theater you weren't even sure was going to PLAY the movie of choice is fricken boneheaded to infinity and beyond! Ugh. I'd rather eat lima beans straight out of the can (just the thought of that is enough to make me gag).
And ... I can feel it. I can feel it! The Force is with me!
Oh. Nevermind. It's just gas.
I'm laughing like a hen on crack! Geesh, don't these people work (or have lives?)
Sorry, not trying to make fun of anyone...just really amused. Georgie must be proud. Gosh, if only we had people this dedicated to feed the hungry...
After 20 years in the military where the motto was "hurry up & wait" I can't stand lines. I put up with them when required, groceries, bank, etc. BUT I refuse to go to any type of reatuarant that has lines, unless someone fakes me out. rich
I'm with you. I'm not a big line kinda guy. I can do a patient wait when its important, but I'm not going to go stand or wait in a line just because I can. Seven hundred hours? That is almost three weeks in the wrong line? I can't think of anything I'd be in line for that long.
I like movies too, but that is just um, nuts?
the cycling curmudgeon
I`m just not able to stand in lines...somethin` constitutional, I think!
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