Saturday, December 06, 2003

Pride and Prejudice

I believe you belong in Pride and Prejudice; a world of satire and true love. A world where everything is crystal clear to the reader, and yet where new things seem to be happening all the time. You belong in a world where your free-thought puts you above the silly masses, and where bright eyes and intelligence are enough to attract the arrogant millionaire/prejudiced young woman of your choice.

Andreakingme is sponsoring the Which novel do you belong in? quiz by quizilla.

I am Pride and Prejudice. I've read so many books over the span of my life that I can't recall if I've read this one or not. I guess I'll have to read it to find out, but I sure like the description it gave me. I definitely like to think of myself as intelligent and bright eyed.

I am beat! I stayed up late last night to write a paper and got up super early to finish it. I then spent the day in school. Tomorrow is my Christmas Brunch for work then home again to study study study. I have finals on Friday! Yeah! I'm afraid though that my entries may bore you until I am done.

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