Or, roll, if you're living in California these days. Last year there was talk that Cali was due for another major, devastating, earthquake. It never came to fruition. However, with the flip-flop activity lately between Northern California and us here in the Southland, I'm beginning to get nervous. But, yeah Mom, I'm doing fine.
I'm shakin' but not stirred - yet. Probably because I'm too pumped about the activities I have coming up in the next couple of weeks. Tonight's agenda: "Rock Never Stops!" Yeah baby! I love all kinds of music but nothing compares to good 'ol rock-n-roll. I grew up on the glam-bands of the 80's and 90's and thanks to Kevin, and his awesome connections, we got free tickets for tonight. And, if that's not good enough, we have VIP access - free special parking, free food and drinks, living the good life on someone else's dime. It doesn't get better than that.
Oh, but it does! In less than two weeks, vacation time! Woohoo! I'm heading to Seattle to see some old friends. I've been promising them I'd come up for a visit ever since their mass exodus from here but never quite made it. Now, the time is right. And, I might even get to hook up with a journal friend or two. Woohoo x 2!!
Gotta go...I need to buy hairspray so I can get that poofed eighties glam hair going on. :-D
Picture courtesy of the Greek Theatre Website.
I love food and fun even more, when it's free!
Wow ~ Lucky You! Enjoy your Glam Fest, and don't forget to wear the 10" shoulder pads and 9" nails! ;D
Have a grand ole time! I'm sure you will!! and, Vacation sounds wonderful too ......
oooo I'm jealous...nooo not of the quakes - I've been hoping that you were alright...but getting to see Cinderella, Ratt, Quiet Riot AND Firehouse!! I remember seeing Ratt with Poison waaaaay back when I was about 15. LOVED it :) Have a great time!
Can not wait to hear all about it!
O H M Y G O D!!! You suck! You lucky lucky dog! Dammit! What a show! I paid big money to see each of these bands back in their big arena touring days. Hell, I was even at Cinderella's record release party. I won tickets to see RATT at the Worcester Centrum from WAAF and took my cousin with me. We tried to find a way to get back stage and meet the band (one of her hobbies...she was a total groupie). John and I danced our first dance at our wedding to a Firehouse song. Wow. I wonder if this group tour will be coming my way.
Hey! NO WAY ARE YOU SEEING QUIET RIOT WITHOUT ME! ~ Well, alright. But don't forget the big hoop earrings k!
Looking forward to that "hook up...." Lisa :-]
Woo Hoo! Enjoy!
So how was the concert? Did you about give yourself whiplash doing the headbang thing along with the music? Spare NO details.
And we want pictures of the poofed Robbie, too.
you be safe. judi
ha! Glam rock. those were the days. :p
Enjoy yourself...do I even need to say that?
hey, I'm your 'Two' friend.
and where are we meeting again?
Gush (strolling down memory lane)
~tara :)
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