Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I tried to hold off posting these pictures until next week. But, I just couldn't. They are too cute. I thought they would be perfect for the next photo challenge which is "cliche." I thought they would be a great representation of the cliche, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," because as I pulled my camera out Andi said she took horrible pictures and I said peeshaw, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These pictures will be great. Wait and see."

Was I right, or was I right? She looks adorable. I especially like the one where it looks like she is praying. Actually, I think she might have really been praying that I would stop taking her picture. One of the ones I took in that series, that I didn't post here, actually looks like she is mad at me. I guess when getting peeved didn't work to stop me from snapping away, she started praying. Ha ha ha.

I tell you what, Andi is a good egg. She has an appointment tomorrow and was nervous about taking the bus for the first time. As such, she wanted to do a test run. I've never used the bus system here but I knew the area she needed to get to, so I figured what the heck, I'd go and make an adventure out of it. Not really too much adventure but it was fun. We met a nice gentleman named Howard who was heading in our direction. I asked him all kinds of questions about the route of the bus in case Andi missed her stop when she does it alone because on Sunday the route was changed a little due to a gay pride festival that was going on.

I thought for sure the festival would freak her out because the more audacious homosexuals tend to show up at stuff such as that, especially since there was to be a parade. So, I thought anyhow. However, the crowd mingling on the streets seemed pretty tame to me. I think other than a few cross-dressers, the wildest thing we saw was a bear of a guy dressed in leather hot pants with a leather suspender thing wrapped around his burly chest. Andi didn't bat an eye.

After taking a walking tour around the area, we stopped and ate some fou-fou stuff and hit a used bookstore. We then went looking for a bus stop. Lo-and-behold, we ran into Howard again. He was heading back on the same bus. All in all it was a great day. Nothing too exciting. Well, except for the walk back to Andi's from the bus stop, I think we were witness to a car being stolen. Something fishy seemed to be going on as we passed this garage on a sidestreet. However, when the guy took notice of us watching him, Andi and I scurried along.

Now, it looks like I need to come up with new pics for the photo challenge. Oh well.

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