I've been working so much that I feel a bit lifeless and dull. The last couple of weekends, Saturdays have been days for me to vegetate and do nothing but sleep and watch movies - mostly sleep. Then Sunday, I run around taking care of personal stuff like errands and cleaning. I squeeze in a social activity with a friend every other weekend or so. Jaunts that I've mentioned in my last several entries. I work on work-related stuff Sunday night as I watch my favorite television shows on ABC: Extreme Home Makeover, Desparate Housewives, and Grey's Anatomy. During the week, I work late hours and bring more work home with me to do the few hours I have left in the evening.
Because of all the work that I've been doing, I feel a bit disconnected from my friends and family. I feel really disconnected from my life. My brain feels dull. I haven't felt like writing because right now I'm living on the surface in order to preserve my energy for work. No time to think about topics that have journaling potential. I guess that's why I practically begged Trish to allow me to help her with her move yesterday. I wanted to do something for someone else. I wanted the opportunity to connect with a friend. I wanted to help and really I owed her big time for her laundry escapade with me from a couple of weeks ago. -- A couple of weeks! It's been over a month ago! Where is time flying these days?
Trish hired movers. She didn't feel that she needed any help but I insisted. I'm glad I did. While the movers transported everything from her old place to the truck, I stood sentry to make sure that no one decided to make off with her possessions when no one was looking. And, I put quarters in the parking meters for our vehicles since we parked them on the street. Every now and then, when the movers weren't looking and I thought I wouldn't be in the way, I would grab items from the building lobby and take them over to the truck. I think they were quite shocked that I helped at all. One of the guys even offered me a job which I turned down without hesitation.
It was the third move of the day for these guys and they were dragging. It took several hours for them to load up the truck. So, when we got to Trish's new place, I decided I couldn't take what seemed like a snail's pace any longer. I started grabbing boxes and hoofing them up the stairs. We made short shrift of getting the truck unloaded. Those poor guys were probably cursing me as they pulled away. I was exhausted and they had done those other two moves to boot so I'm sure their exhaustion was much more amplified.
It also made me grateful for the work that I do. I might be putting in long hours but my job is a cake walk compared to theirs. I might be mentally exhausted at the end of the day but it doesn't seem to even compare to the physical exhaustion that occurs from moving people every day. I know I couldn't do it. Or, if I did, I'd probably do it, like them, at a much more casual, energy conserving, pace. Poor guys, I hope that they aren't still cursing me today. I know I am a bit. But, I must admit, it feels good too. Thanks Trish for allowing me to break out of my routine.
Hey Robbie!
That's a heck of way to break the rut. Go help someone else. You go girl, you must be okay!
the cycling curmudgeon
Helping someone move? That is one sure way to pump up the mental exhaustion. Pure physical actions help alleviate the mental weariness every time, don't they? Pennie
Robbie, I've missed reading your journal, but I also understand that LIFE can be very busy and all. Just glad to see that you still post sometimes. It was good of you to help trish with her move. I can just imagine you, trish, andrea, and the other yak-yaks getting together for a good saturday. grins, debra of
You are a great friend! JAE
Probably the best thing for you...to do something completely different that what you do every day. It's good to be tired in a different way sometimes.
I think, however, that you are working too hard. If you are not getting totally rich from all this work, is it worth it? Would it be worth it even if you WERE? Lisa :-] http://journals.aol.com/mlraminiak/ComingtotermswithMiddleAge/
you are a great friend, and i'm sure you could give those mover dudes a run for their money. sorry you have so much mental exhaustion from your job. time to quit, move to st. john and marry kenney chesney...oh, wait, he's all of the sudden taken, isn't he?? my bad.
xo phinney
I soooooo know how you feel!
*** Coy ***
Oh Robbie...what a great friend you are.
I know that Trish was so grateful to have
you there with her!
I absolutely LOVE Grays Anatomy!
It's my favorite ABC show this year!
Helping someone move is the sign of a GREAT friend, in my book.
No greater gift has one man (or woman) to give to their friend than helping them to move. I think JFK said that. Or something like it.
But you are indeed working too hard, which is pretty much what I tell all my friends. If you need a break on Saturday you know where to find me...in my garden, babysitting roses. Come join me ~ we'll get drunk and shoot at you-know-who! ;D
you hang in there.......... hugs to you, judi
Heeeeeey. Any time you wanna break out of that routine, I've got some wood pieces that need screwed together. Man, I hate screwing wood.
I think Grey's Anatomy is an awesome show. Everyone seems to feel overworked and that weekends are going by way too fast! Trish is lucky to have you as a friend. :) NELLE
It`s so nice to read about your friendship with Trish. Something so good for both of you.
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