Thursday, February 05, 2004

Ebay, here I come!

A wonderful find arrived in the mail. Many have received this bundle of treasure long before me. I am slow to jump on the bandwagon. But, this is one wagon I am glad I hitched my Star upon. Surely, that is what we have in our midst. I listened to the tracks several times. I wanted to absorb the music emitting from my stereo. Trish has a beautiful clarity to her voice which is a nice compliment to the understated instruments that accompany her. Understated because many singers really don't sing well and use the instruments to drown out their inabilities. Trish doesn't need to do that, nor does she. The songs all have a great feel that belies the lyrics they are bound to. The lyrics are poignant and act as a window to a soul. A beautiful soul on a journey to peace. The song, "Walls of Pain" reveals a wisdom of a compassionate heart, "I wanted her to know how much I care, but she can only receive what she can only bear."  Her song, "Obsession," at first might bring to mind an Alanis tune but it doesn't have the bitter edge like Alanis. Trish tauntingly sings, "No one knows the things I do with the thoughts I have of you." But, it's sung in such a way that I imagine blowing a raspberry afterwards and saying "Nanny-nanny-poo-poo."  The song, "Where were you?" is an indictment of a parent who wasn't what they should have been. It gives you a glimpse of what it is that the lyrics are inferring then rips it away to leave your mind to wonder exactly what it is they did or didn't do.  Trish, or Freeepeace, to those in AOL-J land, originally titled her journal, "Livingroom Superstar," but has since changed it to "Journey to Peace." It's a great summation of the woman because no livingroom, even the grandest of Beverly Hills, will be able to contain this rising star, as she journeys to peace through her music. Lucky us that we are here to see the ride. Lucky me, because I now have a signed autograph and you will find it on Ebay when she hits the charts. Not! It's all mine! Now, go listen and buy.


Anonymous said...

WooHoo! Go Robbie! What a great review for Trish. She'll be pleasantly surprised. Like you, I just got Trish's CD a week ago. I've listened to it a lot since then. She's so very talented. I don't even think she herself, realizes the extent of her effect on people.

LOL ~ And you're so right about blowing the raspberry and saying nanny-nanny-poo-poo. =) I thought the exact same thing. hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Yup. I did a little Trish review after I'd listened to the CD, too. She really blew me away! I hope this is just her start and that she'll get the exposure and accolades her talent deserves. It's a tough field she's trying to break into, but I have faith. I'm pulling for her.

Great review, Robbie.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to get her cd and holding back due to funds ... I think next payday I will just order it! No matter what! I want the cd too! I hear so many good things.
Smilin Mon

Anonymous said...

Walls of Pain is a song dear to my heart, as Freee was kind enough to give me a copy of her demo CD to give to my friend who lost her father. You're right, Obsession is an Alanis-type song, which I think is made better because of its somewhat playful quality. Where Were You is, I know, a very deeply meaningful song to Trish. Great review, Robbie. I'm jeaslous though, I didn't get an autograph copy or a personalized note!

Anonymous said...

I am ashamed that it took your jnl entry for me to realize how to get one! I ordered one immediatley.

Anonymous said...

Great tribute to Free, Robbie. I, too, have this treasured CD. It will be wonderful when she's a superstar to the world knowing that we knew her when :)

Anonymous said...

Ohh Robbie! Wow. I'm tongue-tied. I don't quite know what to say. I'm grinning from ear to ear. I can't imagine what it's like to be on the "other side" of my music. But when I read your words [and others'] I get all MUSH! Thank you. Your support means the world to me. Without it, I'd still be a superstar in my OWN livingroom. This is quite a journey! ~peace~

Anonymous said...

good fricken crap! (that's a huge compliment by the way!) I LOVED this entry! sooooo gooood. I've had the Cd for awhile. and I agree totally to everything you have just said. Though...I didn't get a note...but, my husband did. But, I already went over that before in one of my entries ;) ha ha.
really, great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That's the absolute best review of Trish's album I've seen to date. She really needs to have some of these listed on her site as official "reviews". I love her album. When she's famous one day, I'll be able to say I designed the cover to her album.. and her website.. and she was my closest friend... And everyone will think I'm crazy, but I'll know the truth. And that's good enough for me. LoL :P