Monday, January 12, 2004

Experimental Answering

Penny posed some questions in her journal yesterday that I want to answer here. Since I'm not in school right now, I feel free to knock around this place and begin to learn my abilities, or should I say, lack of abilities. As such, I spent most of the evening messing with some stuff. Unfortunately, what I was hoping to achieve didn't work out. But, this will, hopefully, do:

Well, there you go. Warts and all. After posting this, I noticed the squigglies. It's because I initially created this in MSWord. I wanted to see if I could load a document to my FTP space and place it on here. I figured out how to link to a document but it took forever to open up, so much so, that even I didn't wait for it. Instead I did a "print screen" and pasted this into my editing program. Oh Well!!!

I'll do the movie review in the morning. I need to do some more productive things, like cleaning and organizing the mess I created over the weekend while unpacking.

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