Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Invest in Women

I didn't mean to take a blog break but somehow did nonetheless. I'll try to dust the cobwebs off around here and start writing again. Or at the very least share my odd ruminations from time to time. Here's to a new start:

"Experts now agree that one of the best ways to end poverty and fight terrorism, to fight extremism, is to invest in women." ... Sheryl Wudunn

You've got to watch the video of her discussion with Steven Colbert from The Colbert Report, but somehow I can't get it to embed here. Clearly, it's been too long. So, please, follow the link. Interesting stuff to think about. Invest in women!


Bridgett said...

Well...yea. We are the best of the two sexes after all. :)

alphawoman said...

I saw this her last night with Steven and thought she handled him very well. I expect, he can be a handful. I love her theories. Solid.

Gigi said...

Very inspirational.

If only women ruled the world ~ less violence, happier children, more throw pillows and better shoes for all!

Girl Powah! :)

Tressa bailey said...

We should all start by investing in ourselves....