Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ankle Deep

I haven't been much in the mood to write anything of interest lately. I think because I'm working so much and much of what rumbles through my mind is work related as a result. I decided a long time ago to discuss nothing relating to work in order to preserve my privacy and my well-being by continuing to be gainfully employed. I think most know that I'm a manager though, an Accounting Manager to be exact. I like Accounting and I like management, most days. In addition to my functional area of management, I'm also the Office Manager. So, I've got a double dose of parenthood happening. That's all I'm saying. Some days it's a mighty bitch and a thankless job. Other days, it's raining roses. I haven't seen the roses in a while, so it seems lately, some people can be backstabbing, ungrateful, lieing, thieving, psychos. The only thing that keeps me going are those employees who aren't (and, well, my paycheck). They show up with a smile and they expect to put in a hard day's work for a fat paycheck. They act like grown-ups and treat people with respect. They provide a ray of hope and sunshine in the cesspool of a labor market that exists in America today.

That's all I'm saying. It's vague, but I know what's written between the lines and that's all that matters. For now anyhow, maybe someday I'll write a book.


Donna. W said...

I've noticed that people who are constantly griping about their jobs usually aren't happy with any other part of their lives. I think it boils down to their having a totally thankless attitude about life in general.

Lisa :-] said...

The ones that "show up with a smile, expect to put in a hard day's work for a fat paycheck" are the ones that make management worth the other crap...

Don't work TOO hard. See if you can take a couple days to come up the coast and have a coffee. In MY place. If all goes well, target date is June 20.

V said...

Aww, Robbie!
Hang in there!
I`m happy to see you.

Kathy said...

Hag in there. Things always get better.

freeepeace said...

Hmm...I like what Donna had to say. I understand. Those lines are thick and deep.

Gigi said...

I think Donna hit the nail on the head there. In the end, it's all about gratitude and respect.

You enjoy your work and you're good at it ~ why let joyless people deprive you of yours?