Nah...I won't bore anyone with what I've been up to while on hiatus. It's been mostly spring cleaning, organizing, and catching some things up at work. Yawn!
I'd lie and say that I did something glamorous like dined with celebrities, contemplated great works of art, and discovered the meaning of life, but it seems a certain journaler has already exposed the truth.
I didn't plan on returning until the 16th, but thanks to Turbotax, I finished my taxes last night and can feed my addiction this morning. But....I have learned that the old saying "All things in moderation" is key to not getting overwhelmed again. So, I'll give it a go....
hi ... glad to see you back. bet it feels good to have gotten some things organized and now that you're a "pro" how 'bout coming to my house and showing me how it's done ... lol (yah, my cellar stairs have become the "laundry chute" and the "pile" is always calling me ... lol. and, thank goodness those danged taxes are done, that's the best part! .... (phin's mom) ...
Taxes...I paid $400 for some babe to tell me I might get audited...
Welcome back. Stop by if you've a mind... Lisa :-]
Glad you're back! :-)
Thank God for TurboTax!! Talk about freeing you up to do "glamorous, exciting" things!! Welcome back, you been getting all my "propaganda?"rich
I LOVED the laundry entry........ you both crack me up. So glad you are back...... you have certainly been missed. Big hugs to you with all those clean clothes!!!! judi
Woohoo! Welcome back Robbie. Glad to know TurboTax worked out for you. Yay. I got mine done today and I'm all set up for quarterly payments starting this year. Good stuff! Have fun catching up and playing around in JLand.
So glad you made it back...we thought you may have drowned in laundry. <grin>
We've missed you!
LOL I saw the infamous "laundry" entry over at Freee's place. That is what I would be doing if I took a break from J-Land (like THAT'S ever gonna happen). ;-) Welcome back.
Welcome back
Looks like you have enough clean clothes to start all over again. Hope you had fun getting them dirty. Welcome back, Paula
Welcome back.:-)
Just stopped by to say hi. I'm not in journaland much but it's nice to come and visit. : )
welcome back, I've missed you :)
"...I'd lie and say that I did something glamorous like dined with celebrities, contemplated great works of art, and discovered the meaning of life..."
I could've SWORN you did that.... ;D Welcome Back!!!
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