Thursday, November 27, 2003

Happy Thanksgiving - I am thankful

I need to run out of here soon to meet my Business Strategies group to plan our next decisions for our Footwear Company. But before I do, I thought I'd make a list of my thankfuls, including the not so obvious as suggested by Slomo.

I am thankful for:

The opportunities that abound each day I wake up.

My family & friends (old and new -- and yes, that includes those here in AOL-J)

In spite of the struggles & challenges I've endured, I am still living and it's made me who I am today.

My great job and the lifestyle it affords me and that sticking to your ethics really does have it's rewards.

My computer -- definitely!

Great Music, Books, and Movies - They stir my soul.

Perfume - The good stuff. Something about it just makes me feel oh so purty.

Dark Chocolate - Love the bitter taste balanced by a little sweet.

The sun and the ocean.

Darn not enough time to finish...gotta go. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!

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